Our Services

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

What services do we offer?
We offer our customers a virtual medical scribe and / or a virtual medical assistant. We work with all kinds of medical specialties and EMRs. From private practice to larger medical groups. Our virtual assistants are highly vetted, trained and able to adapt to your specific workflows. Our director is a US trained and certified medical doctor, therefore we are able to understand the systems within US Clinics.
How are the VAs selected?
Our virtual assistants are subjected to a strict application and interview process. They are specially vetted for their ability to work in a remote medical environment. We also carry out background checks on each of them, let them undergo stingent testing process and certify them all in HIPAA training.
What can your VAs do?
Our virtual assistants can help with any tedious tasks within your practice. Anything you can do on a computer, you can probably have one of our VA’s do the job. They can do referrals, refill requests, flagging reports, insurance verifications, prior authorizations, eligibility, call patients/insurance companies, and much more.
How do you determine working time by the VAs?
We track and monitor all our virtual assistants with an online time tracking software. It tracks mouse and keyboard movements and activities. We allocate campaign managers and QA managers to monitor the VA in the office to ensure that everything is handled with care. Once we understand your needs, we will propose a lump sum fee to the work given, so that your costs can be controlled within a given budget.
Privacy and Data Protection
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Malaysia was enacted in 2010 and came into effect in 2013. It regulates the collection, use, and storage of personal data in commercial transactions. The act applies to organizations operating in Malaysia and requires them to obtain consent from individuals before collecting, using, or disclosing their personal data. Organizations are also required to take appropriate measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. Penalties for non-compliance can include fines and imprisonment. We are bound to this act even if the work is with a company outside the country. We take your privacy seriously. All our virtual healthcare assistants have been individually vetted, background checks carried out and have HIPAA certificates of training to further underline their understanding of data security. Once agreed, we will sign a contract agreement, just as you would any other contractor who may have access to PHI (protected health information). You would treat them like any other user of your system with periodic HIPAA security audit protocols.