Our Services - Virtual Scribes

Virtual Administrative Assistant

Foundational Training

A Virtual Administrative Assistant can handle your administrative tasks, like answering emails, managing your appointments, clinical EHR systems, bookkeeping, office administration, running CRM updates, database management, and more.

Dedicated Virtual Assistant

Our clients get a dedicated VA to work with over the course of their time to maintain consistency of service.

Training & Verification

We take care of the tasks you would normally when you hire someone, like performing background checks and verifying HIPAA training certification. 

Security & Time Tracking

All of our virtual admin assistants are tested in technical skills as well as computer applications.

Virtual Administrative Assistant

Administrative Tasks

What Virtual Administrative Tasks Can Be Delegated?

Administrative tasks can add a lot of weight to your workload. Why not delegate some of these tasks to someone else?
A  Administrative Assistant can handle your administrative tasks, like answering emails, managing your appointments, bookkeeping, office administration, running CRM updates, database management, and more. When you have a helper to handle the office work, you can focus on more important things.and increase your sales.

Operating Hours

Extended Hours Of Operations

Rather than performing routine tasks during working hours, you can schedule your virtual assistant to work during office hours, after hours or on weekends to extend your hours of operation and increase your sales.

Virtual Administrative Assistant
Virtual Administrative Assistant

No Equipment Required

No Additional Equipment Costs

Another benefit of having a virtual administrative assistant is that there is no equipment to invest in or store, so your profits are not tied up in equipment rentals or storage fees.
All the work is done remotely at our offices.

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